Hello there! I am Md. Mehedi Hasan, a Full-Stack web developer with a strong love for creating web applications that not only look amazing but also perform seamlessly. Welcome to my digital showcase, where I invite you to explore my world of coding and creativity.
Download My ResumeProgramming Languages: C++ | JavaScript | TypeScript | Python
Frontend: HTML | CSS | React | Next.js | Redux
Backend: NodeJS | ExpressJS | Next.js
DBMS: MongoDB | PostgreSQL
ODM / ORM: Mongoose | Prisma
Miscellaneous: Git | GitHub | Firebase | Vercel
Algorithmic Problem Solving (Solved 2000+ problems on various online platforms)
Data Structure & Algorithms
Competitive Programming
Backend Engineering
Full Stack Development
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Part-time - On-site
July, 2022 - Present
Part-time - On-site
September, 2021 - Present
Part-time - On-site
August, 2021 - March, 2022
June, 2021
February, 2021
Our Team (ULAB_Drifters) ranked 104th out of 161 teams in Bangladesh.